IPS e.max ZirCAD MT & LT


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BL 98.5 A1 98.5 A2 98.5 A3 98.5 B1 98.5 B2 98.5 C2 98.5 D2 98.5 1 98.5/16MM 1 98.5/18MM 1 98.5/20MM 2 98.5/25MM
LT (16MM)
LT (20MM)
MT (14MM)
MT (18MM)
LT (18 MM)
LT (25MM)
LT (12MM)
LT (14MM)

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Product Info

Ivodent Vivadent e.max ZirCAD MT & LT

IPS e.max ZirCAD

IPS e.max ZirCAD is the innovative and versatile zirconium oxide.

IPS e.max ZirCAD is the material of choice for cases in which high mechanical stability, thin restoration walls and natural-looking esthetics are of the essence. It is exactly with regard to these aspects that the IPS e.max zirconium oxide portfolio sets new standards. Restorations with considerably reduced wall thicknesses can be created as the material provides both high strength, ranging from 850 to 1,200 MPa1, and high fracture toughness. A trade-off in translucency is not required.

A finely honed balance between low wall thickness and optimum translucency allows the fabrication of restorations that are tooth preserving and natural looking.

IPS e.max ZirCAD MT:
IPS e.max ZirCAD MT is the creative one in the portfolio. The material combines sound mechanical stability (850 MPa1) with impressive esthetic properties as a result of an optimized raw material mixture. It lends itself to various processing options and offers a high degree of flexibility. The A–D shade system enables an efficient fabrication of esthetic monolithic or layered restorations. The A–D Colouring and Effect Colouring Liquids are designed for maximum customization prior to sintering.


  • Crowns
  • Three-unit bridges
  • Implant-supported superstructures

IPS e.max ZirCAD LT:
IPS e.max ZirCAD LT is the allrounder in the portfolio. The material combines high mechanical stability (1,200 MPa1) with pleasing esthetics. These properties make IPS e.max ZirCAD LT suitable for the fabrication of minimally invasive single-tooth restorations and stable multi-unit framework structures. Implant-supported superstructures supplement the offering. Restorations can be produced using a variety of techniques: monolithic method, infiltration, partial veneering and complete veneering.


  • Monolithic crowns
  • Monolithic bridges with three or more units
  • Implant-supported superstructures
  • Framework structures with three or more units
  • Framework structures with crowns
  • Implant-supported superstructures

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